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Haifa Blog


Combined fertilization with Multicote™ and Poly-Feed™ Stim™ improved cucumber yield

In a trial in carried out in Liaoning province, China, Haifa treatment resulted 11.8% more cucumber yield. Grower’s income was higher by 9.1%.
Trial objective:  Evaluation of Haifa's combined solution of CRF blend based on Multicote™+ Poly-Feed™ stim SPARK, compared to the common farmer’s practice
Location: Tangjiawo, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
Crop: Cucumber
Growing system: Soil greenhouse
Plantin date: 25/02/2022 
Product: CRF Blend 18-07-18 (N coated 30%), Poly-Feed™ Stim SPARK
Haifa treatment included Poly-Feed Stim™ Spark, a soluble fertilizer that combines mineral nutrition (NPK + micronutrients) and humate complex that improves root activity and nutrient uptake. Stabilizing the soil pH, Poly-Feed™ Stim SPARK ensures availability of necessary phosphorus and other elements – even in strongly acidic or alkaline soils.

Stage Application date Farmer’s practice Haifa treatment
Planting (base dressing) 22/2 17-17-17, 50 kg/mu CRF blend 18-7-18, 40 kg/mu
Vegetative growth 15/3 12-61-0, 5 kg/mu SPARK 12-42-12, 5 kg/mu
Flowering to fruit-set 22/3 12-61-0, 5 kg/mu
20-19-19, 2.5 kg/mu
SPARK 12-42-12, 5 kg/mu
SPARK 18-18-18, 2.5 kg/mu
Fruit development 29/3 20-19-19, 7.5 kg/mu SPARK 18-18-18, 7.5 kg/mu
5/4 20-19-19, 10 kg/mu SPARK 18-18-18, 10 kg/mu
12/4 20-5-10, 3.5 kg/mu
0-52-34 6.5 kg/mu
SPARK 18-18-18, 3.5 kg/mu
SPARK 12-17-27, 6.5 kg/mu
19/4 20-5-10, 2.5 kg/mu
0-52-34 7.5 kg/mu
SPARK 18-18-18, 2.5 kg/mu
SPARK 12-17-27, 7.5 kg/mu

  Farmer’s practice Haifa treatment
Yield (kg/mu) 3546 3966
Income (RMB/mu) 6664.8 7512
Fertilizer cost (RMB/mu) 1200 1550
Net profit (RMB/mu) 5464.8 5962
Better growth

More intensive flowering

Better yield

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