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Sugar Beet Nutrient Manegement

Abstract: Fertilizer management is a key component in maximizing sucrose yield. Management practices that maximize tonnage and sucrose content while minimizing impurities are key to achieving top yields of high quality sugarbeet in the High Plains.


Sugar Beet

Abstract: Sugar became a staple food over the past two centuries and average annual consumption per head is now about 20 kg. Worldwide demand continues to rise and approaches 140 Mt per year. This comes from only two plants – cane and beet.

Fertilization of sugar beet: base dressing, fertigation and foliar feeding

Haifa's fertilization recommendations for sugar beet in various fertilization methods


Growing method: open field.
Soil type: Sandy loam.
Plant density: 140,000 – 180,000   plants / Ha.
Expected yield: 40-50 Ton / Ha.



Fertilization of Sugar-Beet in Russia

Haifa's Poly Sugar-Beet enhanced the vegetative development of the plants and resulted in higher root yield




Sugar-beet / RMS-73

Sugar Beet response to foliar nutrition

Two foliar sprays with Multi-KMg resulted in significant increase in several yield parameters and in crop resistance to diseases





Fertilization of sugar beet

Haifa's fertilization recommendations for sugar beet in various fertilization methods


Poly-SugarBeet Bonus

Water-Soluble NPK Fertilizer for Foliar Application
Poly-SugarBeet Bonus* 15-7-30+2MgO with micronutrients

To order this product:



Primary sources of nutrients

Fertilization of sugar beet: base dressing, fertigation and foliar feeding

  Haifa's fertilization recommendations for sugar beet in various fertilization methods   Growing method: open field.
Soil type: Sandy loam.
Plant density: 140,000 – 180,000   plants / Ha.
Expected yield: 40-50 Ton / Ha.