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"The best papaya yield in Gujarat"

At his 36 Hectares plantation, Mr. Pushprajsinh Shivsinh Rathod grows papaya.

With a yield of 200 Ton/Hectare he is proud to have the record for papaya yield in the Gujarat district, India.

Fertilizing lime with Multicote™ Agri is simple and effective

Erasto Mendoza Martínez grows Mexican limes and enjoys the benefits of Multicote™ agri controlled release fertilizers "Fertilizing with CRF is simple and effective"  Located in Cañada region in Oaxaca state, Mexico, Mr. Erasto Mendoza Martínez owns a small farm with 5 hectares of Mexican lime, a citrus species with a 3–5 cm diameter globose fruit, usually picked green. Mexican limes have high acidity, a strong aroma and a thin rind.

Foliar nutrition increased wheat yield in Argentina


Four foliar treatments of Multi-K and Poly-Feed resulted in 13% increase in yield

