Fertilizer application: helping the environment & the farmers

High efficiency fertilizers, applied according to the 4R nutrient stewardship, minimize damage to environment, while helping produce more yield

Fertilizer application: helping the environment & the farmers

Excessive use of fertilizers, especially straight fertilizers, can cause environmental damage, as well as economic damage to the growers. 

High efficiency fertilizers, applied according to the 4R nutrient stewardship (Right fertilizer source, Right rate, Right time, Right placement), are an excellent way to minimize damage to the environment, while taking into account the economic needs of the farmers. 

Read more about efficient fertilizer application: https://bit.ly/1cFXHZ7 

"The future of 4R nutrient stewardship": https://bit.ly/1d94CYp 

Read more about the 4R nutrient stewardship: 