Visiting growers in China

In an agronomy tour held last week in southern China, we had the opportunity to meet growers, discuss fertilization solution and introduce Haifa's new offers and developments.

Visiting growers in China

Together with Haifa's distributors we visited fields were Haifa's fertilizers prove their efficiency and value to the growers. We visited one of the fields where the recently introduced Haifa Turbo-K™ complex granules are in use. Haifa Turbo-K™, a new grade of complex NPK granule is proved in maximizing yield and plant strength. An overall satisfaction from the Haifa Turbo-K™ was expressed in a few conversations I had with the local growers. 
In another location, a group of growers got together for a presentation at one of the greenhouses. A testimonial and a professional presentation were given by the greenhouse owner, emphasizing the benefits of proper fertilization. In Haifa we call it Sharing Knowledge.

Visiting growers in China