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The most common soil application method used mainly for open field crops is fertilizer broadcast.


It is a method by which the fertilizers are applied on the surface across an entire field. Often high capacity spreaders are used to spin dry fertilizer on the soil surface. Broadcast fertilization can be improved by incorporating fertilizer through plowing or disking.  The advantages of the soil application methods are that they are relatively fast and economical.


Broadcasting of fertilizers is of two types:

1. Basal application: Broadcasting at sowing or planting: The main benefits of broadcasting fertilizers at sowing time are to uniformly distribute the fertilizer over the field, and to mix it with soil.
2. Top dressing: It is the broadcasting of fertilizers particularly nitrogenous fertilizers in closely sown crops like paddy and wheat, with the objective of supplying nitrogen in readily available form to growing plants.


When tradition meets innovation – Haifa's sophisticated approach for soil application.

Haifa offers two product lines that bring the advantages of specialty plant nutrition into the traditional world of broadcast fertilization.

Haifa Turbo-K™:  A new grade of complex NPK granule generated from Multi-K™ Potassium Nitrate. It is the ultimate solution for maximizing yield and plant strength. In one uniform granule, your plant is provided with highly valuable nutrients combining the Multi-K™ potassium nitrate benefits plus essential macro and micro nutrients. Haifa Turbo-K™ complex fertilizer is ideal for open field, greenhouses, orchards and turf production. Geared fertilizer technology to maximize crop revenue.


CoteN™ CRF fertilizer: Haifa's polymer coated Urea, set for 2 or 4 months longevity (at 21°C).  CoteN™ is perfect crops with special emphasis on N management in the soil, such arable crops.
CoteN™ is part of the Multicote™ range of Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF), developed by Haifa Group. An accurate fertilizer release over time, governed only by soil temperature, make CoteN™ a precise and reliable N source for the crops.