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Haifa Blog


Potassium nitrate fertilizer or SOP fertilizer – which one is better?

Multi-K™ potassium nitrate is superior to potassium sulfate (SOP) in various aspects: water solubility, compatibility with other fertilizers, nutritional value, salinity and more

Potassium nitrate fertilizer or SOP fertilizer – which one is better?

Potassium (K) is a crucial element for proper plant nutrition. Formation of sugars and starch, regulation of leaf stomata, improvement of drought resistance and yield quality are just a few of the potassium's roles in the plant. 

Two of the main sources for potassium are potassium nitrate, such as Haifa's Multi-K fertilizers, and potassium sulfate (SOP). When comparing these sources, it turns out that potassium nitrate is superior to SOP regarding various aspects, as follows. 

Nutritional value: The Multi-K™ fertilizer provides the plant with two macronutrients: N & K. The nitrogen (N) is crucial for vegetative growth, making it a crucial complementary for proper plant nutrition. SOP, on the other hand, provides one macronutrient (K) and one secondary nutrient (S), which reduces its nutritional value to the plant. 

Solubility: The Multi-K™ potassium nitrate fertilizer has very high water solubility, while the SOP has moderate solubility. This makes the Multi-K™ ideal for fertigation systems, by preventing clogging and damage to the system. 

Compatibility: While Multi-K™ is compatible with all fertilizer types and formulae, the SOP is incompatible with Ca fertilizers – mixing them together causes precipitation. 

Nutrients ratio: The Multi-K's nutrients ratio is 1:3.5 NO3/K2O, thus it contains only the major nutrients – N & K – which the plant needs the most. For SOP fertilizer, the nutrients ratio is 1:1 SO4/K2O, whereas the plant's requirement ratio is 1:20 SO4/K2O. 

Salinity: Heavy fertilization with SOP leads to soil acidification and salinity buildup, which causes degradation of soil structure, root scorching and accumulation of soil sulfate. On the other hand, fertilization with Multi-K™ potassium nitrate has the benefits of efficient nutrients uptake, which prevents salinity buildup. Also, nitrate counteracts the effects of chloride, while potassium counteracts the effects of sodium. 

**Maximum benefits for the grower** 

As shown above, Multi-K™ potassium nitrate fertilizer has clear and distinctive benefits for the grower, and is the best source for potassium. 

To learn more about the superiority of potassium nitrate over SOP, click here:

Potassium nitrate fertilizer or SOP fertilizer – which one is better?


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