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Tłokinia Wielka 23, Opatówek 62-860, Poland
About Us

Was founded in 1994. The dynamic development of the company allowed us to become trusted trading partners of renowned Polish and foreign companies. We focus on quality, ensuring that only high quality products reach our clients. In our online store you will get a full assortment of Polish and Dutch seeds. Polish seeds from the various companies.

We have professional plant protection products and hobbies and also a wide range of agricultural packaging, tools, foil, cords, safety clothing, Agrimpex agrotextiles and other agricultural and horticultural products. There are products needed for plants in the field, in the garden, in the orchard, under covers, in the greenhouse as well as at the house, on the terrace and on the balcony. Our full range means that we have a medicine for all agri-gardening needs and you can feel in it like at the Farmer's Pharmacy.