Table 2: Soil potassium (K) levels

Soil groups matched with the potassium (K) content and crop group demands.

Next: Table 3: Suggested P2O5 and K2O Application Rates

Soil group  Low (L)  Optimum (O) High (H)
Demand level 1: Soybean, Small grains (excl. wheat), Oilseed crops, Clover
Loamy 70—100 101—130 131—160
Sandy, Organic 45—65 66—90 91—130
Demand level 2: Alfalfa, Beans, Sweet corn, Stone fruits
Loamy 90—110 111 - 140 141 - 170
Sandy, Organic 50—80 81—120 121—160
Demand level 3: Carrot, Pepper, Brassicas, Leafy greens, Onion
Loamy 80—140 141—200 201—220
Sandy, Organic 50—100 101—150 151—165
Demand level 4: Potato, Tomato, Tobacco
Loamy 80—120 121—170 171—190
Sandy, Organic 70—100 101—130 131—160