Tips for dissolving fertilizers

A number of issues are important when you are dissolving the fertilizers. The points below can help to
obtain a mixture that comes and stays in solution!


1. Check the quality of the water that you use
Water with bicarbonate should be acidified with acid. In practice, nitric acid and phosphoric acid are mostly used. Alternative
can be sulfuric acid. If acid is needed, dose max 5 liter in the tank where iron chelate is in. The rest can be added in the
other tank (phosphoric- and sulphuric acid not in the same tank as calcium).

2. Temperature of the water
The lower the temperature of the water, the harder it is to dissolve fertilizers. We advise a minimum temperature off 10
degrees Celsius.

3. Water supply and stirring
Create on the place where fertilizers are dosed, a powerful water supply. Avoid the tank being earlier full off water than
the fertilizers have been added. Allow the stirrer (if present) for one hour to finish the mixture in a homogeneous solution.
Prevent fertilizers from accumulating on the bottom of the tank.

4. Filling fertilizers


Filling Fertilizers


Add (nitric) acid if needed. After this, add the water and at the same time (if in use) Vitaphos-K. Then wait a few minutes so
the acid can react. Then add the other fertilizers. If magnesium nitrate is used; dose it also in the calcium nitrate tank.

5. pH manure containers
The pH in the calcium nitrate tank will be around 6, depending of the quality of the water. The ideal pH in the other tank
must be lower than 5! Add some (nitric) acid when a milky white, hazy solution is observed.

6. Kg fertilizers per m3
By default, 100 kg off fertilizer can be dosed per m3 (1000 l container). Depending on the water temperature and pH of the
solution, a double concentration is possible. Give the solution time to fully react and dissolve.


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