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The Plant is Our Sensor

Croptune combines image analysis, big data & cloud computing, to recognize nutritional deficiencies in real time.
Get your free licence now
*first 1000 registrants will get a one-year license for use in area of up to 100 hectares of open field crops or 50 hectares of orchards, the offer is valid until 10.1.2024
Free one-year license
1000 first registrants only!

Real-time monitoring of Nitrogen

Croptune is a unique agri-technology that helps growers optimize fertilizer application - for healthy growth and maximum yields. Croptune determines the crop's Nitrogen content with a standard smartphone camera and provides recommendations for fertilization.

Your private lab in real-time

Croptune saves you costly, time-consuming lab analyses, helping you optimize your fertilization programs according to the actual status in the field.

Claim your free license!

Croptune webform