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Years of soil improvement boosts Calavos capsicums | March 2013

The Queensland capsicum grower discovered the benefits of Haifa's fertilizers: the high efficiency and solubility, reduction in electricity consumption and more

Faster fruit-fill, improved production & quality with "Rolls Royce" fertilizer | April 2013

"Previously we were applying 16 tonnes of fertiliser over 30ha, whereas we are now applying only 1200kgs with Banana One-Shot", says banana grower Parv Dhother

Working closely with industry to deliver results & benefits for growers | May 2013

Read about the latest activities of Haifa Australia: the official launch of the new "Banana One-Shot" fertilizer, insights from the "fertigation of greenhouse crops" seminar in the Netherlands and more

Plant tissue analysis and interpretation for vegetable | G. Hochmuth, D. Maynard, C. Vavrina, E. Hanlon and E. Simonne

Plant tissue testing is another tool for use in achieving a high degree of precision in fertilizer management. Timely tissue testing can help diagnose suspected nutrient problems or can simply assist in learning more about fertilizer management efficiency.

Irrigation systems and nutrient sources for fertigation | A. Fares and F. Abbas

Advances in micro-irrigation techniques have facilitated greater adoption of the application of fertilizers to crops through irrigation water; the technique is termed as fertigation.

Fertigation-chemigation in protected agriculture | I. Papadopoulos

Abstract: Fertigation-Chemigation are regular and widely accepted practices for fertilization and plant protection under protected agriculture. With fertigation, the nutrients in the form og soluble fertilizers anticipated to most crops needs according to their stage of development, are applied with the irrigation water.

Fertigation recipes for selected crops in the Mediterranean region | I. Papadopoulos, C. Metochis and N. Seraphides

Abstract: Fertigation increases efficient use of water and fertilizers, produces higher yields, improves quality of the production and protects environment. To ensure uniform distribution of water and fertilizers, the irrigation system must be properly designed and operated.

Fertigation in micro-irrigated horticultural crops: vegetables | Salvadore J. Locascio

Fertigation is the application of soluble nutrients via the irrigation water; its use in vegetable production has increased with the introduction of polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation, and it is an efficient means to apply fertilizer to the root zone.

Effects of fertigation regime on blossom end rot of vegetable fruits | Asher Bar-Tal and Benny Aloni

The relationships between blossom end rot (BER) of vegetable fruits and fertigation regimes are reviewed. Many fruit disorders are affected by nutrient deficiencies or unbalanced nutrition: BER, gold specks, green back, blotchy ripening, color spots, malformation, hollowness and fruit cracking.
