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Fertilization of pears: Haifa's complete recommendation

From recommended rates of nutrients and fertilizers to base dressing recommendations – Haifa's fertilization program covers it all

Positive contribution to potassic fertilization in cotton

Two foliar sprays of Multi-K increased yield by 24%, in comparison with the same treatment with MOP


Seed Cotton / ICH-6

Managing potassium for crop production

A corn crop takes up nearly as much potassium (K) as it does nitrogen (N), yet management of each nutrient is entirely different. Whereas harvesting 125 bushels of corn grain per acre removes only 35 lbs of potash (K2O), harvesting 21 tons of silage per acre carries away 160 lbs of K2O; and the voracious appetite of a 5-ton per-acre alfalfa crop takes 230 lbs of K2O per acre from a field.

Potassium Requirements of Pulse Crops | Ch. Srinivasarao, Masood Ali, A.N. Ganeshamurthy, and K.K.

In India, pulses are grown mostly on marginal and sub-marginal lands without proper inputs. Many field experiments on various pulse crops show yield benefits from K application. Improved K supply also enhances biological nitrogen (N) fixation and protein content of pulse grains.



Boosting seed cotton yields in punjab with potassium | M.S. Brar and K.N. Tiwari

Cotton production in India has stagnated at a level far below its potential - the main reason being unbalanced and low rates of fertilizers. A review of key research on improved potassium (K) management practices provides a clear picture of the potential yield and economic benefits available to farmers.

Foliar potassium improves cantaloupe marketable and nutritional quality | G.E. Lester, J.L. Jifon, and W.M. Stewart

Potassium is important in optimizing both crop yield and economic quality. Root activity and K uptake are generally reduced during the reproductive phase of crop development.

Positive contribution to potassic fertilization in cotton

Two foliar sprays of Multi-K increased yield by 24%, in comparison with the same treatment with MOP