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Fertigation-chemigation in protected agriculture | I. Papadopoulos

Abstract: Fertigation-Chemigation are regular and widely accepted practices for fertilization and plant protection under protected agriculture. With fertigation, the nutrients in the form og soluble fertilizers anticipated to most crops needs according to their stage of development, are applied with the irrigation water.

Fertigation recipes for selected crops in the Mediterranean region | I. Papadopoulos, C. Metochis and N. Seraphides

Abstract: Fertigation increases efficient use of water and fertilizers, produces higher yields, improves quality of the production and protects environment. To ensure uniform distribution of water and fertilizers, the irrigation system must be properly designed and operated.

Fertigation-chemigation in protected agriculture

Fertigation-Chemigation are regular and widely accepted practices for fertilization and plant protection under protected agriculture. With fertigation, the nutrients in the form og soluble fertilizers anticipated to most crops needs according to their stage of development, are applied with the irrigation water.

Fertigation recipes for selected crops in the Mediterranean region

Abstract: Fertigation increases efficient use of water and fertilizers, produces higher yields, improves quality of the production and protects environment. To ensure uniform distribution of water and fertilizers, the irrigation system must be properly designed and operated.