Success stories

Maryborough pineapple trial

 Maryborough pineapple trial probes controlled release fertiliser benefits…

Soluble fertilizer blends help manage crop expectations

With crop nutrition being one of the largest input costs for growers,…

Onion flowers pollination in South Africa

Calling all pollinators!    After 6 months of careful planning and…

The Costa family almond operation

Like many others in the almond industry, the Costa family is busy expanding…

Multicote Agri proves to be the winning recipe for potato during heavy rainfall

Learn how during heavy rainfall in South Africa, haifa's Multicote Agri offered…

"The best products for the best quality"

Once he started to use Haifa fertilizers for his gardening plants, Janwillem…

‘Optimal plant growth while enjoying huge savings’

With over four decades of experience, Malmesbury Groothandel Kwekery …

Better crop performance with Haifa Multicote Agri: Controlled Release Fertilizer

Gerrit Burger, Haifa RSA   Producing vegetable seed is a highly…

Multicote™ Agri for Avocado – A Multi-Success

Strong and vital seedlings, shiny and saturaterd-colored leaves, developed…

Greek Kiwifruits boost with Haifa Turbo-K™

Kiwifruits enjoys a reputation of both a unique and tasty fruit as well as a…

Optimal Cherry growth in Aragon, Spain

The Jalon valley in Aragon, Spain, is known for its cherry orchards. The good…

Better potato yield in South Africa with Multicote™ Agri

When it gets to preparing long and tasty French Fries, bigger and high quality…