Haifa Bonus improved nutritional status of apple orchard in Korea

Yield increase was attributed to better fruit retention and larger fruit size


Apple / Yangkwang

Country / location Korea / Kyungbuk (Youngju) / Summer 2004
Objectives Improve fruit quality and nutritional status of the Orchard
Haifa product tested Haifa Bonus 13-2-44
Application method Foliar nutrition
Tested treatment One foliar spray @ 0.5%, 1,200lit./ha in mid-May 
Two foliar sprays @ 1%, 1,500lit./ha in mid-June & early July
Two foliar sprays @ 1%, 1,500lit./ha at end-August & mid-Sep
Control treatment results Total yield Kg/ha- 24800
% of marketable fruit – 88
Mean fruit weight – 280
Sugar Content (Brixo) - 12.8
Best treatment results Total yield Kg/ha- 25500
% of marketable fruit – 91
Mean fruit weight – 295
Sugar Content (Brixo) – 13.5
Net benefit of best treatment 4,860 US$/ha
Benefit/Cost ratio 13.4
Conclusions Yield increase can be attributed to enhanced fruit retention force that reduced fruit drop by severe winds (typhoons).
Also, picking labor was reduced because less selective picking cycles had to be done, because a larger share of the fruits became large enough to be picked earlier in the season, and then again less fruit was exposed to the severe winds.
Tree condition improved and leaves’ browning symptom reduced.
Fruit-drop decreased during monsoon season.
Reference Gil-Hong Ko, Haifa-Korea


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