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Poly-Feed enhanced wheat yield in Russia

Better vegetative development and higher grain yield were obtained following foliar sprays of Poly-Feed booster and Poly wheat



Wheat / Moscow 39 (winter wheat)

Poly-Feed increased wheat yield in Brazil


By spraying Poly-Feed 19-19-19+ME, the wheat gave higher yield, and as a result raised the revenue



Haifa fertilizers help the Australian growers produce top strawberries | December 2011

The fertilizers dissolve extremely well and pose no problems through growers' pumps and irrigation systems. Also read how the Multicote fertilizer helped growers to input savings, as well as production and operational benefits. And: Nutrigation of crops via irrigation machines

All-round benefits in automated fertigation for Goodwood avocadoes | April 2013

"The solubility of the Haifa fertilizers has been excellent and the job of applying fertilizers is now so much easier", says Queensland avocado grower Laurie McCloskey


Faster fruit-fill, improved production & quality with "Rolls Royce" fertilizer | April 2013

"Previously we were applying 16 tonnes of fertiliser over 30ha, whereas we are now applying only 1200kgs with Banana One-Shot", says banana grower Parv Dhother

Working closely with industry to deliver results & benefits for growers | May 2013

Read about the latest activities of Haifa Australia: the official launch of the new "Banana One-Shot" fertilizer, insights from the "fertigation of greenhouse crops" seminar in the Netherlands and more

New low sodium, chloride fertilizers on their way | May 2014

Old Childers avocado orchard on track to former glory days; growers fine-tuning fertilizer programs to improve operations and more


Need more information about growing avocados? You can always return to the avocado tree fertilizer .

IFAS Standardized Fertilization Recommendations for Vegetable Crops | George J. Hochmuth and Edward A. Hanlon

This publication presents in abbreviated form the fertilization recommendations for vegetable crops based on soil tests performed by the IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (ESTL). It contains the basic information from which ESTL soil-test reports and fertilization recommendations are generated.

Fertigation in micro-irrigated horticultural crops: vegetables | Salvadore J. Locascio

Fertigation is the application of soluble nutrients via the irrigation water; its use in vegetable production has increased with the introduction of polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation, and it is an efficient means to apply fertilizer to the root zone.

Effects of fertigation regime on blossom end rot of vegetable fruits | Asher Bar-Tal and Benny Aloni

The relationships between blossom end rot (BER) of vegetable fruits and fertigation regimes are reviewed. Many fruit disorders are affected by nutrient deficiencies or unbalanced nutrition: BER, gold specks, green back, blotchy ripening, color spots, malformation, hollowness and fruit cracking.
