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Recomandări cu privire la fertilizările standardizate IFAS pentru culturile de legume

Această publicație prezintă în formă prescurtată recomandările de fertilizare pentru culturile de legume pe baza testelor de sol efectuate de laboratorul de testare a solului extins IFAS (ESTL).

A complete fertilization program for olive trees

Follow our thorough recommendation, including a program for foliar spraying and a fertilization recommendation for olive trees in spain

Fertilization of peach trees: a comprehensive recommendation

Besides recommended fertilizers for meeting the peach trees nutrient requirements, you can find useful information about growing peaches and nectarines


A fertilization program for growing hazelnuts in Spain

By fertigation, the hazelnut tree absorbs the recommended rates of nutrients and fertilizers


Potassium nitrate fertilization and CRF increase yields of ORR type (easy peeler) citrus

An experiment was carried out on Kibbutz Naan in the years 2008 to 2013 with the goal of examining different fertilization programs for the OR (easy peeler) variety.

Haifa Bonus™ improves export quality of citrus fruit

+19% Grower’s revenue from yield   A remarkable and highly significant increase in export quality fruit due to decreased rind defects.



Foliar nutrition enhanced citrus productivity in China

Multi-K sprays reduced fruit splitting rate, increased yield and total soluble solids (TSS)



Citrus/ Hongjiang Oranges

Crop Guide: Olives

Index: Origin and history Plant description and physiology Worldwide cultivation of olives Olive cultivars Yields  

Foliar feeding Increases cotton lint yield and profit

Applications of Haifa Bonus and Poly-Feed increased cotton lint yield


Cotton / Acala

Fertilization of Sugar-Beet in Russia


Haifa's Poly Sugar-Beet enhanced the vegetative development of the plants and resulted in higher root yield


Sugar-beet / RMS-73
