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Haifa Bonus™ improves export quality of citrus fruit

+19% Grower’s revenue from yield   A remarkable and highly significant increase in export quality fruit due to decreased rind defects.



+18% more citrus fruit with just a single foliar application.

A single foliar application brings a real Bonus™   A single foliar application of Haifa Bonus 12-2-44 increased potassium (K) level in leaves and fruit size distribution



Foliar nutrition enhanced citrus productivity in China

Multi-K sprays reduced fruit splitting rate, increased yield and total soluble solids (TSS)



Citrus/ Hongjiang Oranges

Growing pumpkins with Haifa fertilizers

Fertilization recommendations for growing pumpkins, depending on various factors and fertilization method

How to grow carrots with Haifa fertilizers

Fertilization recommendation for growing carrots with Haifa fertilizers, to achieve optimal plant nutrition & excellent yield


Growing medium: open field.
Plant population: 1,800,000-2,000,000 Seeds/ha.
Expected yield: 60-80 T/ha.

Crop Guide: Olives

Index: Origin and history Plant description and physiology Worldwide cultivation of olives Olive cultivars Yields  

Foliar feeding Increases cotton lint yield and profit

Applications of Haifa Bonus and Poly-Feed increased cotton lint yield


Cotton / Acala

Positive contribution to potassic fertilization in cotton

Two foliar sprays of Multi-K increased yield by 24%, in comparison with the same treatment with MOP


Seed Cotton / ICH-6

Multi-K in Sugar Cane - Side dressing


Split application of Multi-K increased yield by 16 MT per hectare compared to a single application of MOP



Sugarcane/ ROC 10
