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Sugar-Beet response to foliar nutrition

Two foliar sprays with Multi-KMg resulted in significant increase in several yield parameters and in crop resistance to diseases



Sugar Beet/ Belotserkovskiy-45 (standard cv. in Ukraine)

Rice yield increased with Haifa foliar feeding solutions


The field trial, conducted in Thailand, tested the effect of three foliar applications of multi-npK (13-3-43) as the rice fertilizer, compared to the traditional growing method. The results: increased yield and revenue

Summer grown rice in the Philippines

Positive response to Multi-K™ application, all other vegetative and productive parameters were markedly and significantly enhanced

China: major limiting factors for rice production

Yield increase follows foliar spray with Multi-K indicates that Potassium is one of the major limiting factor for higher crop productivity


Rice/ Quality hybrid

Poly-Feed enhanced wheat yield in Russia

Better vegetative development and higher grain yield were obtained following foliar sprays of Poly-Feed booster and Poly wheat



Wheat / Moscow 39 (winter wheat)

Foliar nutrition increased wheat yield in Argentina


Four foliar treatments of Multi-K and Poly-Feed resulted in 13% increase in yield



How to increase Maize yield in Mexico


By applying Multi-npK in side dressing, the fertilizer increased revenues per hectare



North Dakota Fertilizer Recommendation Tables and Equations | D.W. Franzen

soil test recommendation tables based on field research data obtained in North Dakota, South Dakota, western Minnesota and the Canadian Prairie Provinces.


Potassium Fertilization of Cotton | A. Ozzie Abaye; Extension Agronomist, Alternative Crops, Virginia Tech

Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient for normal plant growth and development, which plays a particularly important role in fiber development. Potassium defi¬ciency results in decreased fiber quality and lowered yields. If K is limited during active fiber growth, there is a reduction in the turgor pressure of the fiber result¬ing in less cell elongation and shorter fibers at maturity.

Evaluation of Controlled- release Fertilizers for Young Citrus Trees | Mongi Zekri and Robert C.J. Koo

Controlled-release sources of N and K were compared with soluble sources on young orange trees.The effects of these fertilizers on leaf mineral concentration, soil chemical analysis, and tree growth were evaluated for 3 years. Soluble fertilizers were generally more readily available but had shorter residual effects on leaves and soil than controlled-release fertilizers.
