Haifa Stim on Zucchini

Zucchini is a popular vegetable among Spanish farmers. The production has nearly quadrupled in the last decade. 

El Ejido , located in the the area of Las Norias de Daza, covers an area of 240 km2 and has around 27 kilometers of Mediterranean beaches. Because of its agricultural prosperity, it is regarded as one of Spain's wealthiest municipalities. Crops are cultivated in greenhouses all year and exported all over the world. It is commonly referred to as the "Garden of Europe" for this reason.

Commercial trials using HaifaStim™, Haifa's biostimulants were carried out basically to test the response of the zucchini crop to the particular environmental conditions of the area of Las Norias de Daza (El Ejido). November in this location, we have the shortest & coldest days of the cultivation and "minimum" temperatures ranging from 0ºC to 5ºC at the last phase of the crop cycle.

HaifaStim™ nutritional supplements provide the plant optimal conditions to improve the entire growth system, enhance plants development and get superior results and higher yields. They Support high yielding crops by helping the plant to produce the metabolites and enzymes required to produce maximum yield. HaifaStim™ Helps the plant to recover its metabolism, and reactivate biochemical processes and enzyme synthesize necessary for growth, while nourishing the plant with physio-nutritional compounds that help to carry on its productive cycle and to avoid stresses.​ Also the 
products improve root activity, so their co-application of with soluble fertilizers results in better nutrient use efficiency.

In this Trial we used HaifaStim™ Vital at 2g/L plus HaifaStim™ Booster at 2g/L were given 2 times of 4 days apart.
A direct effect on the increase in the number of pieces (+ kilos) was observed, 2 days following the treatments compared to the control plantations. The plant acquired a new vegetative growth at the apex of the plant, surpassing the stress of low temperatures  managing to extend the productive cycle of zucchini.

Did you know that when HaifaStim™ Wall-Up applied via irrigation in soil plastic greenhouse, improves bacteriocins & dry cutting of zuccini?

After 2 applications of HaifaStim™ Wall-Up at 150cc/1000m2 with a difference of 8 days between them, no loss of zucchini plants due to bacteriosis in the trunk was observed, thanks to the effect that Silicon has on the improvement of the mechanical resistance of the stem, in addition to the formation of the protective tissue (protective drying with arrows in the photo)  it has on fruit cuttings.


For more information please contact:

Antonio Estevez (Haifa Iberia) 