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Multicote™ Agri - an ideal source of boron for Eucalyptus

Boron (B) deficiency is a common problem in eucalyptus plantations. The boron is vital for several metabolic processes in the plant. growing parts such as shoots and root tips. Insufficient concentration of boron in the soil may result in

Recomandări cu privire la fertilizările standardizate IFAS pentru culturile de legume

Această publicație prezintă în formă prescurtată recomandările de fertilizare pentru culturile de legume pe baza testelor de sol efectuate de laboratorul de testare a solului extins IFAS (ESTL).

How to increase nutrient use efficiency in maize fertilization


This field trial's goal was to determine the best coating-ratio and the N level for maize, compared with fertigation, and to test the influence of CRF application methods


Multicote™ Agri significantly increased asparagus yield in France



An application of a specific Multicote™ Agri formula for asparagus increased yield and boosted profitability.


Haifa fertilizers help the Australian growers produce top strawberries | December 2011

The fertilizers dissolve extremely well and pose no problems through growers' pumps and irrigation systems. Also read how the Multicote fertilizer helped growers to input savings, as well as production and operational benefits. And: Nutrigation of crops via irrigation machines

The benefits of Multicote controlled release fertilizer for seedlings | February 2012

Australia's largest integrated hardwood and softwood forest products company, Gunns Limited, discovered the many benefits of Haifa's Multicote. "It was releasing at the right time for our conditions"

IFAS Standardized Fertilization Recommendations for Vegetable Crops | George J. Hochmuth and Edward A. Hanlon

This publication presents in abbreviated form the fertilization recommendations for vegetable crops based on soil tests performed by the IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (ESTL). It contains the basic information from which ESTL soil-test reports and fertilization recommendations are generated.

Evaluation of Controlled- release Fertilizers for Young Citrus Trees | Mongi Zekri and Robert C.J. Koo

Controlled-release sources of N and K were compared with soluble sources on young orange trees.The effects of these fertilizers on leaf mineral concentration, soil chemical analysis, and tree growth were evaluated for 3 years. Soluble fertilizers were generally more readily available but had shorter residual effects on leaves and soil than controlled-release fertilizers.

IFAS Standardized Fertilization Recommendations for Vegetable Crops

This publication presents in abbreviated form the fertilization recommendations for vegetable crops based on soil tests performed by the IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (ESTL). It contains the basic information from which ESTL soil-test reports and fertilization recommendations are generated.

Multicote Agri Handbook

Multicote™ Agri, a range of controlled release fertilizers for agriculture and horticulture, has been designed to feed crops continuously throughout the growth season – for optimal development and best yield production.
