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Recomandări cu privire la fertilizările standardizate IFAS pentru culturile de legume

Această publicație prezintă în formă prescurtată recomandările de fertilizare pentru culturile de legume pe baza testelor de sol efectuate de laboratorul de testare a solului extins IFAS (ESTL).

Fertilization of quinces in Spain

With Haifa's fertilization program and fertilizers, the expected yield can get up to 45 t/ha


Growing persimmons without nutrient deficiencies

By using Haifa's fertilizers and following our fertilization program, the persimmons get all the nutrients needed in order to give outstanding fruits

Fertilization of pears: Haifa's complete recommendation

From recommended rates of nutrients and fertilizers to base dressing recommendations – Haifa's fertilization program covers it all

A complete fertilization program for olive trees

Follow our thorough recommendation, including a program for foliar spraying and a fertilization recommendation for olive trees in spain

Growing pumpkins with Haifa fertilizers

Fertilization recommendations for growing pumpkins, depending on various factors and fertilization method

"The solubility and nutrient absorption by plants are incredible"

With a 2,800m2 greenhouse, Daniel Fonseca from Brazil can't empahsize enough his satisfication with Haifa water soluble fertilizers. "I won't replace them with any other product. The results are immediate"   Mr. Daniel Fonseca is the owner and agronomist of the Sera Azul farm, located in Andradas, Brazil.

Optimizing Asparagus with Haifa

Yossi Evyatar, an Israeli asparagus grower, uses Haifa's fertilizers for over 8 years.
  "I follow the fertilization programs on Haifa's website and the results are always good"


Crop Guide: Olives

Index: Origin and history Plant description and physiology Worldwide cultivation of olives Olive cultivars Yields  
