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The division to nutrients demonstrates the results of specific nutrient deficiencies in a wide variety of crops

Mo (molybdenum)

Mo (molybdenum) Cabbage: Micro nutrients - Mo (molybdenum)

Citrus: Micro nutrients - Mo (molybdenum)

B (boron)

Identify and handle crop Boron deficiencies Boron in the plant

Cu (copper)

Cu (copper) Potato: micro nutrients - Cu (copper)


Haifa Solution:


Zn (zinc)

Zn (zinc) Potato: micro nutrients - Zn (zinc)


Haifa Solution:


Mn (manganese)

Mn (manganese) Potato: micro nutrients - Mn (manganese)



Fe (iron)

Fe (iron)  is essential for photosynthesis

It is also essential for chlorophyll synthesis, although not a structural part of it.

S (sulfur)

S (sulfur) Potato: macro nutrients - S (sulfur)


Mg (magnesium)

Identify and handle crop magnesium deficiencies

Ca (calcium)

Ca (calcium) Potato: macro nutrients - Ca (calcium)


