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The ideal plant nutrition for different varieties of garlic

Follow Haifa's detailed fertilization recommendation, in order to acheive optimal plant nutrition and excellent yield

Soil type: Sandy.
Plant population: 300,000-350,000 units of planting material/Ha.

Growth and bulbing of garlic as influenced by low temperature and storage period treatments

Abstract: The effects of pre-planting low temperature storage and period length of seed cloves on bulbing process of two garlic Allium sativum L genotypes were studied during two successive experiments (2009/2010 and 2010/2011).

Diagnosing nutrient needs of garlic

Abstract: Mosto f the garlic grown commerciallv in the United gtatesys produced in Cali- fornia. About 80 percent of California gar- lic is produced for processing into dehy- drated flakes, granules, or powders.

Growing Garlic

Abstract: Garlic is one of the easiest and most satisfying crops for home vegetable gardeners to grow. It yields two useful crops; the garlic bulbs themselves, and delicious green “scapes” a month earlier.

What are the ideal fertilizers for different varieties of garlic?

Follow Haifa's detailed fertilization recommendation, in order to acheive optimal plant nutrition and excellent yield

Multicote™ Controlled Release Fertilizer proved highly efficient for Garlic

An increase in Garlic yield with a single application of Haifa CRF fertilizers

Garlic Growth with Haifa Controlled Release Fertilizers


México/ Pabellón de Artega, Ags./ Rancho Don Primo.