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Recomandări cu privire la fertilizările standardizate IFAS pentru culturile de legume

Această publicație prezintă în formă prescurtată recomandările de fertilizare pentru culturile de legume pe baza testelor de sol efectuate de laboratorul de testare a solului extins IFAS (ESTL).

Soluble fertilizer blends help manage crop expectations

With crop nutrition being one of the largest input costs for growers, application strategies can often change and horticultural trends around the Bundaberg area, Australia
suggest a return to using soluble fertilizer blends in various cases. Local agronomist Simon Ewald, with Ag Plus Consultancy at Bundaberg, said the business was arranging tailor-made soluble fertilizer blends for numerous growers, supplying all the nutrients required in one bag.

Fertilization of rice: Small investment - Great Return

Repeated positive results were obtained in Rice follows foliar application with Multi-K™ in Vietnam

Fertilization of quinces in Spain

With Haifa's fertilization program and fertilizers, the expected yield can get up to 45 t/ha


Growing persimmons without nutrient deficiencies

By using Haifa's fertilizers and following our fertilization program, the persimmons get all the nutrients needed in order to give outstanding fruits

Haifa Bonus enhanced dormancy break in pear

One timely spray of significant gaines can be achieved from improvement in size distribution. The yield was considerably increased by increasing fruit size

Fertilization of pears: Haifa's complete recommendation

From recommended rates of nutrients and fertilizers to base dressing recommendations – Haifa's fertilization program covers it all

A complete fertilization program for olive trees

Follow our thorough recommendation, including a program for foliar spraying and a fertilization recommendation for olive trees in spain

Haifa Bonus™ improves export quality of citrus fruit

+19% Grower’s revenue from yield   A remarkable and highly significant increase in export quality fruit due to decreased rind defects.


