Haifa Blog

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This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

One hundred years of wheat research history in Aaronsohn farm

The discovery of wild wheat by Aaron Aaronsohn in the north of Israel in 1906…

Poly-Feed™ Stim helps improving yields of the staple crops that feed millions of people

+14.2% rice grain yield+19.3% grain weightImproved resilience of the rice…

‘Chelates ain’t chelates’ when feeding plants iron

Sheri Robinson, Agronomist with specialty fertiliser supplier Haifa Australia,…

Haifa Group Launches Online Tool for assessment of environmental impact of Fertilization on Earth Day

Earth Day, which is all about preserving and protecting the environment, is…

Are you a Farmer or Agronomist? This Innovative Service Provides a Superb Opportunity

What do blueberries, coffee beans and avocado have in common?  They are…

Haifa’s Nutrigation™ program increased raspberry yield and improved fruit quality

Successful raspberry crop is measured not only by yield amount, but also by the…

MultiMatch™ software helps optimizing nutrition – for higher yield and better NUE

To fully enjoy the benefits of Multicote™ controlled release fertilizers, it is…

Data Doesn't Lie: Multicote™ + Poly-Feed™ Stim SMASHES Cucumber Yields. Here's the Proof!

Discover how combined fertilization with Multicote™ and Poly-Feed™ Stim™…

How to prevent fertilizer wash-off during rainy seasons

Field crop growers always wait for rain to germinate the seeds and water the…

Interesting facts about Chestnuts

Chestnuts are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere,…

Foliar feeding with Haifa Cal Mag increases fruit size and quality in citrus

Foliar fertilization is a common practice in orchards. The benefits of foliar…

Poly-Feed™ Stim: NPK fertilizers with the double action

Haifa’s ready-made Poly-Feed™ formula have become very popular worldwide…